101:365 | 2020 Census and Libraries

As we celebrate #NationalLibraryWeek, it’s appropriate to recognize that libraries are on the front lines of digital inclusion issues. Soon after Designers for Learning began seeking out subject matter experts for our service-learning initiatives, we realized librarians were doing some of the most creative work to support adult literacy, including digital literacy.

Therefore, it should be no surprise they are taking on the issue of the 2020 US Census, which will be conducted primarily online for the first time. As noted on the American Library Association (ALA) website, the Census impacts representation, funding, and information:

“Like past e-government efforts, this will likely impact libraries and libraries’ technology resources as staff work to assist people in participating in the Census. The 2020 Census also presents an opportunity to increase public awareness and use of Census data. To best position libraries to support our communities in the 2020 Census, ALA is engaging with the Census Bureau and other stakeholders to ensure that libraries are informed and represented in the policy discussions and planning process. ALA is advocating for a fair, accurate, and inclusive Census that recognizes the roles libraries will play in this vital civic effort.”

Over the past week, I’ve been reaching out to my contacts within the ALA/PLA to express our interest in designing a service-learning initiative to support these issues. Whether or not our efforts end up aligning with and supporting theirs, I’m already learning from the numerous publications they’ve released, including the Libraries and the 2020 Census Brief.

As outlined in Getting Ready for the 2020 Census | Partnering with Complete Count Committees, libraries can:

  • provide information about an important public issue
  • help maximize federal and state funding provided to your community
  • increase local leaders’ awareness of library services
  • strengthen community relationships

With hope, we can find a way to support these aims for libraries, as well as other adult education providers. More to follow …