108:365 | Top Tools For Educators

For about a decade, I joined my virtual online buddies each Sunday night to review the latest educational technologies on a live webcast called EdTechWeekly. The webcast started in the mid-2000s during the height of Web 2.0. It’s the main reason I’m the within the first 13,600 people to have a Twitter account.

We started out trying to make sense of the deluge of new social websites and tools and contemplate how they could be used in an educational setting. We used these new social tools (like del.icio.us, a now defunct social bookmarking site) to crowdsource and aggregate content to talk about during the show.

It became a running joke that I would steal … err … I mean, amplify the content aggregated by Jane Hart from her annual “Top Tools for Educators” survey of educators. If you haven’t seen the site, it’s still going strong. In fact, you can participate in the 2019 annual survey that will conclude in September.

I’m getting ready for a presentation in mid-May where I’ll highlight various technologies to support a range of educational strategies (e.g., presentation, practice, feedback, collaboration, etc.) and Jane Hart’s Top Tools for Educators is still my go-to spot. While I’m familiar with most of the listed tools, there are still always the fun surprises each year. Enjoy!