62:365 | Open Ed Week

It’s Open Education Week #oeweek starting today (March 3rd) through March 8th with an awe-inspiring roster of free events throughout the week and beyond. From the Open Education week Website:

“Founded in 2013 by the Open Education Consortium, the goal of Open Education Week is to raise awareness and showcase the impact of open education on teaching and learning worldwide. Open Education Week has become one of the most foremost global events recognizing high achievement and excellence in open education. The week-long event spotlights amazing work from over a dozen categories including live, face-to-face events, webinars, projects, and resources.”

Open Education Week 2019

Designers for Learning’s first service-MOOC on Canvas Network to design open educational resources for the benefit of Adult Basic Education was highlighted a few years ago during an Open Education Consortium quarterly meeting. While the course facilitation for the original Instructional Design has concluded, you can still access the course materials on Canvas Network, or you can enroll in our follow-up Instructional Evaluation service-MOOC as a self-directed experience. Instructure (parent company of Canvas) has been a wonderful open education partner with Designers for Learning and we’re excited to share our latest adventure with them … more to follow!