98:365 | CrowdED Learning

Check out this profile of CrowdED Learning in the Adult Literacy Education Journal published by ProLiteracy! It’s been so fun to watch Jeff take this spark of an idea and turn it into a living “thing” that people not only understand but value. If you haven’t done so already, please check out his existing roster of free and open educational resources organized as skill directories and keep an eye out for updates on the development of SkillBlox, a learning plan aggregation tool that pulls together learning materials from publisher materials, free and open education resources, and teacher-created materials and organizes them by skill to provide a range of learning options for students.

As I said about 200 times at our shared COABE booth last week, Designers for Learning aims to create OER based on the gaps Jeff’s organization finds in their effort to curate OER for the benefit of adult education. It’s because of Jeff’s tireless effort to understand this need that we currently have five service-learning teams working on OER to support math, reading, writing, digital, and financial literacies.