Web conference meeting on laptop screen

AECT 2023 Annual Convention | Call for Proposals

Back at it in the new year and one of the first agenda items at the team meeting was discussing the 2023 AECT Convention Proposal Call that opened in late December. The 2023 convention will celebrate AECT’s 100th year as an organization! Happy centennial – or, as I just learned, “centenary” for some outside the US! I’ve participated in the annual convention virtually or in person since 2006, when I attended my first AECT convention in Dallas, TX.

I mentioned during our meeting today that AECT has been my professional home for over 15 years. I value every interaction and experience, but I’m unsure where the organization fits within my current interests and stage in life. While I have a teaching appointment at UVA, I’m not on an academic career track, which is a huge focus for many members who are checking the boxes for tenure and promotion. Also, I’m not looking for a conference to greatly expand my network, so (for now, anyway) I’ll continue to stay a virtual participant. The annual convention serves as a venue to scratch my itch to present and think with others about work that is important to me. In other words, to design in the open 😙

Featured Image Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash