Classmates as Awesome Resource Finders

I have the best classmates this semester! Each time I log in to "class", I am presented with a wealth of resources that I spend about an hour a day just filing away. The latest one was new to me, but worth taking an extra second to pass along. WorldCat is a massive online catalog of library resources, including "books, music, videos, articles and more." A student in our online class shared a resource link with our class by sending along the WorldCat link. Students could then search for the resource by zip code and find the nearest local library that has the resource available for checkout. How is that for making the distance experience a little more "local"? I also noticed that the site offers several WorldCat search toolbar options and the ability to quickly create a WorldCat link for an item by typing in[insert ISBN]. Three cheers for DS and this resource find!

p.s. Should you want to buy the resource, WorldCat also shows an Amazon link off to the side of the page. Neat little revenue model for the site, as well.



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