LinkedIn: The Facebook for Professionals

I just spent a few minutes checking in on the LinkedIn web site – sort of a facebook for the working world. I had signed up as a member several months back, but didn't really "get it". Then, I saw the company featured this month in both Business 2.0 and T + D magazines, so I took another look.

In a nut shell, you set up a user ID and add your professional profile. You then seek out and link to other registered colleagues and begin creating your professional network of co-workers, clients, etc. The idea is that your professional network can blossom based on the old fashioned "friend of a friend" good word of mouth concept. Through existing and prior professional relationships, you can reach new professional contacts.

Good in theory, right? No clue if it actually works, but the folks at Business 2.0 seem to think it has some merit and the site's registration has doubled from 4m this time last year to almost 8m now. I searched under "instructional design" and found oodles of contacts in the NYC area. Who knows? It may be work a closer look?

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