Microsoft Windows: Clean Up Scan

Is your computer running Windows feeling a little sluggish? Start up "issues"? Consider doing a couple of quick scans to get things back in order. Microsoft buries these free little gems within their Windows Live One Care site. Why they hide these goodies from their customers, I cannot explain. However, even though these free morsel of goodness are hidden away in the bowels of Microsoft, they are well worth the effort to find them and use them. Each scan runs via your browser. The clean up scan runs a disk clean up (to compress old files and toss out temp files), a registry cleaner (that has gotten me out of a jam or two when I have been unable to clean out the pipes in any other way) and creates a restore point (which has also helped me when I go overboard testing out new software). The tune up scan simply checks to see if it is time to defrag. The only bummer … you need to dust off IE to run these … and they try to upsell Windows Live One Care when you are done. But, you can simply chose "Not yet" and be on your way with cleaner tubes.

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