Rhizomatic Schmrizomatic

Dave Cormier, one of my best buds* in the world, has been rambling on about rhizomes and knowledge creation for the past 2 years. I still only have a vague idea of what he is talking about (he is much smarter, but don’t tell him I said so), but that hasn’t stopped me from picking apart his arguments from time to time. Please check out his paper Rhizomatic Education: Community as Curriculum published in this month’s Innovate online journal and feel free to try to explain it to me 🙂

"In the rhizomatic model, knowledge is negotiated, and the learning experience is a social as well as a personal knowledge creation process with mutable goals and constantly negotiated premises."

* Best buds even though we have never met in person, but have done over 80 live weekly webcast shows together … and we’ll be doing another tonight as usual at 7:00 ET at http://edtechtalk.com/live