53:365 | Tidy HTML

If you ever have to do any editing to a webpage or learning management system, you’ve probably found you need to take a peek “under the hood” at the HTML code. I do nearly every day, but I know next to nothing beyond the handful of edits I do when I need to embed a video or add divider line when it’s not included in the provided editor. Most of my need comes from moving content from one platform to another.

Currently, I’m moving content from Thinkific into our new Canvas installation – more on that soon! Unfortunately, Thinkific doesn’t have export functionality; a price (inconvenience) I was willing to assume when I signed up given our lack of funds, which means that now I’m moving a couple of small courses (page by page) by copying and pasting the code from one platform to another. Inevitably, that means some messy code comes with it. Given my “I know enough to barely get by” skills, I find myself relying on sites like HTML Tidy to clean up the mess. Do you have tools like this that you prefer?

1 thought on “53:365 | Tidy HTML”

  1. Pingback: 54:365 | Atom Text Editor – Designed to Inspire

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