81:365 | Freelancers & Gig Workers

Many of us in the instructional design field are freelancers/independent contractors, and some of us with doctoral degrees are college adjuncts. While many of the 3.8 percent of US workers (5.9 million strong) counted as “contingent workers” are voluntarily part of the Gig Economy, others aren’t. Either way, there are significant costs associated with this form of employment that must be contemplated – the biggest being benefits.

Beyond paying for benefits out of what you charge for your services, you need to first have ACCESS to benefits to be able to purchase them. In the US, we can (at least for now) access the health insurance exchanges, but in this tumultuous political climate, it’s hard to know from one year to the next what options will be available.

Today, I came across Catch, an organization that aims to address this benefit access issue. Per their website:

“The relationship between employers and employees is changing. Multiple jobs at once, side hustles, and full-time freelancing mean more and more of us aren’t served by existing models. Staying secure is a herculean task of slogging through disconnected, outdated systems to patch together a sad quilt of coverage. We think you deserve better. At Catch, we believe you shouldn’t need to be a financial genius to understand what you need and how to get it. We’re building a personal benefits platform with you at the center. A way to handle taxes, retirement, time off, health insurance, and student loan refinancing — all in one place. We believe the freedom to work how you want should be met with the power to tame volatility. We want to offer stable footing for everyone, regardless of circumstance.”

I know NOTHING about this organization, so I can’t offer a review. However, I’m adding it to my roster of organizations to consider as an option. To others working as freelancers, adjuncts, or in other “gig” assignments, how are you addressing these challenges?

1 thought on “81:365 | Freelancers & Gig Workers”

  1. The Freelancers Union has been helpful for me. I have health insurance through my husband’s job, but dental and disability through the Freelancer union’s partners. I got my professional liability insurance through them too.

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